What is Weighted Average Contribution Margin?

The contribution margin is the foundation for break-even analysis used in the overall cost and sales price planning for products. It is important to assess the contribution margin for break-even or target income analysis. The target number of units that need to be sold in order for the business to break even is determined by dividing the fixed costs by the contribution margin per unit. Fixed costs are expenses incurred that do not fluctuate when there are changes in the production volume or services produced. These are costs that are independent of the business operations and which cannot be avoided. In determining the price and level of production, fixed costs are used in break-even analysis to ensure profitability.

  1. Look at the contribution margin on a per-product or product-line basis, and review the profitability of each product line.
  2. The company must produce and sell 800 units of Product A, 1,600 units of Product B, and 4,000 units of Product C in order to break-even.
  3. We can use the formula that follows to find the break-even point in sales dollars for organizations with multiple products or services.
  4. This means that the weighted average contribution margin for the entire business is $10/unit (calculated as $150,000 total contribution / 15,000 units).
  5. As the operating expenses were also 96,000 the business will break even at this level of unit sales for each of the five products.
  6. In an ideal world, all of your sales would contribute 100% of their value to your bottom line.

A contribution margin analysis looks at the money left after deducting variable expenses from revenues. You can use this analysis to compare the revenue from products and services, so that management can decide which ones to sell and which to drop. We can calculate the total sales, weighted average contribution margin, and the break-even point per unit or sales as below.

For example, if the contribution margin of 6,000 pairs of sandals is $114,000 and the contribution margin of 4,000 pairs of shoes is $95,000, your total contribution margin will be $209,000. List the various products the business has to sell and the number of each product type you expect to sell. For example, based on sales data from previous years, a footwear store may expect to sell 6,000 pairs of sandals and 4,000 pairs of shoes. To resolve bottlenecks, contribution margin can be used to decide which products offered by the business are more profitable and, therefore, more advantageous to produce, given limited resources. These assumptions simplify the CVP model and enable accountants to perform CVP analysis quickly and easily. However, these assumptions may not be realistic, particularly if significant changes are made to the organization’s operations.

For example, if you produce 12,000 units per year and the overall market produces 48,000 units annually, you have a 25 percent market share. If the exact market volume is not publicly available, you need to estimate it based on the number of competitors you have and what you estimate their production levels to be. One manager at Kayaks-For-Fun believes the break-even point should be 60 units in total, and another manager believes the break-even point should be 160 units in total.


Finding the target profit in sales dollars for a company with multiple products or services is similar to finding the break-even point in sales dollars except that profit is no longer set to zero. Instead, profit is set to the target profit the company would like to achieve. Contribution margin is a business’s sales revenue less its variable costs. The resulting contribution dollars can be used to cover fixed costs (such as rent), and once those are covered, any excess is considered earnings.

Calculate the Contribution Margin

We can calculate the contribution per unit for each product and then take the average. To calculate the break-even point for multiple product lines, first determine the sales mix, which is the percent of overall sales each of the two products represents. The weighted average contribution margin is an important tool for businesses when doing a break-even analysis, as it shows how much profit each product or service must generate for the business to break even. By understanding and utilizing this concept, businesses can maximize their profits and increase their long-term success. It is calculated by taking into account the contribution margin for each item in the group and weighting it according to its relative importance. This allows businesses to easily identify which products or services are most profitable and which ones need to be improved.

What is the Weighted Average Contribution Margin?

The weighted average CM may also be computed by dividing the total CM by the total number of units. Over 1.8 million professionals use CFI to learn accounting, financial analysis, modeling and more. Start with a free account to explore 20+ always-free courses and hundreds of finance templates and cheat sheets. Amy’s Accounting Service must achieve $822,222 game developer joe waters passes away in sales to earn $250,000 in profit. Variable costs tend to represent expenses such as materials, shipping, and marketing, Companies can reduce these costs by identifying alternatives, such as using cheaper materials or alternative shipping providers. In an ideal world, all of your sales would contribute 100% of their value to your bottom line.

Combine this with small candle sales of 50 units and a $4 contribution margin. If you sell 100 candles with 30 small and 70 large, then your sales mix is 30 percent small and 70 percent large. To produce the best WACM number possible, review your sales data over a longer time period to see if the mix of sales remains relatively consistent to avoid letting an outlier impact your calculation. When calculating the WACM, you only need the actual numbers representing your sales. For a multiple product facility, the contribution margin for each product weighed against the portion of sales is called the weighted average contribution margin.

However, it has some limitations such as the lack of flexibility during the production period for price changes and additional costs. A mobile phone manufacturer has sold 50,000 units of its latest product offering in the first half of the fiscal year. The selling price per unit is $100, incurring variable manufacturing costs of $30 and variable selling/administrative expenses of $10. As a result, the contribution margin for each product sold is $60, or a total for all units of $3 million, with a contribution margin ratio of .60 or 60%. To understand how much money a particular product or service contributes to paying down the fixed costs of the business, it’s essential to calculate the weighted average contribution margin.

The opposite of a variable cost is a fixed cost, which is a cost that remains constant no matter how many products you sell. Fixed costs can include rent, insurance, taxes, salaries for management personnel, etc. The contribution margin is a measurement of how much money your company makes with each sale after subtracting the variable cost of the item sold.

What Is a Good Retail Profit Margin?

Variable cost refers to the cost a business has to pay to produce or sell one unit of an item. A weighted average takes the different volumes of each product into account by first extending the contribution margins to get the total contribution margin, and then dividing that amount by the total units. A restaurant like Applebee’s, which serves chicken, steak, seafood, appetizers, and beverages, would find it difficult to measure a “unit” of product. Such companies need a different approach to finding the break-even point. Figure 6.4 illustrates this point by contrasting a company that has similar products easily measured in units (kayaks) with a company that has unique products (meals at a restaurant) not easily measured in units.

For example, if the government offers unlimited electricity at a fixed monthly cost of $100, then manufacturing 10 units or 10,000 units will have the same fixed cost towards electricity. It provides one way to show the profit potential of a particular product offered by a company and shows the portion of sales that helps to cover the company’s fixed costs. Any remaining revenue left after covering fixed costs is the profit generated.

Variable costs are direct and indirect expenses incurred by a business from producing and selling goods or services. These costs vary depending on the volume of units produced or services rendered. Variable costs rise as production increases and falls as the volume of output decreases. Now, to calculate the https://simple-accounting.org/, divide the contribution margin per unit ($10) by the sales price per unit ($15). The contribution margin is computed as the selling price per unit, minus the variable cost per unit.

This type of analysis determines how much sales volume is required to cover the fixed costs of the business. The weighted average contribution margin can provide useful forecast information on break-even sales and volume. The company can estimate the sales mix units and adjust the production of the most profitable products.

This means that the weighted average contribution margin for the entire business is $10/unit (calculated as $150,000 total contribution / 15,000 units). The determination of the break-even point in CVP analysis is easy once variable and fixed costs are determined. For example, suppose Amy’s Accounting Service has three departments—tax, audit, and consulting—that provide services to the company’s clients.